Disability Partnerships is joining with Adventist HealthCare Rehabilitation’s Sixth Annual Amputee Awareness 5K Walk, Wheel or Run

Disability Partnerships

April 22, 2022

Amputees must adapt to a host of new physical challenges.  Innovative new technologies and advancements can have a tremendous impact on their recovery. From home modifications, agile wheelchairs, and prosthetics, there are many ways to help amputees start moving again and regain their physical independence.  

This annual event aims to publicly acknowledge the countless challenges amputees face and help provide financial assistance to those who do not have the means to pay for crucial medical necessities.

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Adaptive Costumes for Halloween

The 31st of October is Halloween! Halloween is a time of excitement and creativity for children of all ages. It's the season when they can transform into their favorite characters or go trick-or-treating. But for children with disabilities, finding the perfect costume can be a challenge.  That's where adaptive costumes come into play, making Halloween more inclusive for every child.